Do you choreograph your movement pieces?

No. But that's not to say that I don't have an idea of how I might move to the music. By the time I go into the studio, I have listened to the song countless times — in the car, in my home, in my mind. And, of course, I am visualizing what the movement piece might be. But I don't actually move to it until I go into the studio to do a taping. 

Do you rehearse?

I "rehearse" in the sense that I might record a movement piece more than once because it didn't feel "right" the first time around. I am fighting an internal critic who tells me I should do it again. It wasn't good enough. (Whatever that means.) I am realizing in these early stages of the experiment  — three movement pieces in — that this is something I would like to let go of. I would like to have the confidence to post something that feels shitty when the music stops.

How do you choose your music?

It's very random. I have a Spotify account, so I get exposed to new music all the time. When I hear a song that inspires me to move, I save it to an ever-growing playlist. After a while, a certain song on that playlist will percolate to the top in that it starts sounding really good to my ears. I can picture myself moving to it. That's when I intuitively know that this will be the next song for my year-long experiment in movement.