Movement Piece No. 1
Recorded January 25
Song: Green Arrow
Artist: Yo La Tengo
Excerpt from journal before taping: I don't know exactly how I'm going to do this. I feel self-conscious, not nervous, but just this incredible desire to do it right, to make it meaningful. I'm looking around this studio with incense burning and sunlight coming through the windows and feeling kind of giddy that I made this happen. I just need to relax, turn my attention inward and embrace this experiment, this practice that I am creating.
Excerpt from journal after taping: I feel relieved, a lightness in the knowledge that I did this and can do this. This morning I felt mostly anxious — like, what have I gotten myself into?? — but right now I feel more like I have given myself a gift, and it's going to take a whole year to open it.